Crafters Insurance

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As a crafter, you create one-of-a-kind, handmade products. You put love and care into everything you make, and there’s nothing better than knowing your clients feel a little more joy in their lives thanks to your artistry.

With Thimble’s Crafters Insurance, you can craft and sell your products with no worries.

Who is covered under a crafters insurance policy?

Crafters insurance from Thimble is customized to meet your needs. We cover the following professions and activities:

Not seeing your profession or activity? Search to get covered!

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Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Types of insurance craft businesses need

You like making things. You want to guarantee that your small business is well-constructed and will last for a long time, just like your crafts. Without insurance, you leave your business exposed to risk.

Artisans and crafters protect their businesses with the right coverage, including:

General Liability Insurance

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance or “CGL” provides coverage against third-party claims for property damage, bodily injury, and personal and advertising injury. That means the everyday accidents that can happen on the job: slip and falls, flying tools, or spilling coffee on a customer’s laptop—you get the idea. CGL is one of the most basic types of insurance for small businesses.

Business Equipment Protection

Business Equipment Protection

Business Equipment Protection is a type of first-party insurance that covers business equipment that you own, rent or borrow and is used in connection with your business. (Other insurance companies for small businesses call it inland marine insurance, but we like to keep things clear and simple.)

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance covers costs as a result of direct physical loss or damage to a building or its contents in situations like a fire or windstorm. Even your accounts receivable can be protected by commercial property coverage.


Product Liability Insurance

Product liability protects makers against the costly consequences of injury or damage arising after the sale of a product, for example, jewelry, candles, or soap; available as part of general liability insurance coverage.

What does Crafters Insurance cover?

All crafters and artisans need general liability insurance. This coverage protects you from cost arising from third-party claims of bodily injury, property damage, and personal and advertising injury.


Non-employee bodily injury

You teach workshops using specialized tools that require safety precautions. Should a student injure themself under your supervision, you could find yourself liable.

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Property damage

You use a studio for your crafting and clients often come to visit while wearing expensive clothes. Should one of them ruin a purse or pair of shoes while you’re performing your professional services, you could be liable for the cost of a replacement.


Personal and advertising injury

Your new collection drew inspiration from a recent trip. However, a local competitor claims your designs are too similar to theirs and sues you for copyright infringement.

Why choose Thimble for Crafters Insurance

Whether you need to rent a booth at a last-minute craft fair or you’re planning for an event in six months, we’ve got you covered.
Thimble’s general liability insurance for crafters includes product liability coverage, which is commonly excluded, leaving you open to liability.

Get proof of insurance instantly. With our instant online quotes, you can purchase coverage and we’ll send your Certificate of Insurance (COI) within 60 seconds.

Cover your equipment up to $5,000 and skip the headache of listing all your equipment less than $2,500 compared to the traditional scheduled property coverage.

Tie up your business’ loose threads. Protect yourself today with insurance for crafters so you can keep your focus where it belongs—on your crafts.

Ready to get started? Just click “Get a Quote” or download the Thimble app, answer a few questions, and we’ll generate an instant quote. Click to purchase and your policy and proof of insurance will arrive in your inbox. We’ll send you as many COIs as you need, and when you need them, at no additional cost.

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Quick-thinking insurance for fast-moving businesses.


Fewer questions. More options. Buy a policy online, in the app, or over the phone in minutes. Get to work before the other guys even call you back.


Any size. Every stage. Get coverage by the job, month, or year. Choose how you pay, then upgrade when business really takes off.


Total Control. Seamless edits. Modify, pause, or cancel instantly, whether work slows down or hiring picks up.

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Get covered in minutes.
(Then get to work!)