Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.
Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.
Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.
Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.
Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.
Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.
Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.
Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.
Business location
The location of your business can impact your insurance cost. For example, a more densely packed area tends to increase the risk of property damage or a bodily injury occurring.
Policy length
The amount of time you need coverage, whether for an hour, day, week or month, impacts your insurance premium.
Crew size
Whether you’re a solo operation or have employees can affect your premium. More employees mean increased opportunities for a power washing accident to occur.
Amount of coverage needed
Higher coverage limits will come at an increased cost. But by paying more upfront, you will have greater protection in the event of a claim. With Thimble, choose between a $1 million or $2 million liability coverage limit for pressure washers general liability coverage. And for equipment coverage, we provide coverage limits of $1,000 or $2,500 each with a $500 per loss deductible.
Coverage add-ons
It may make sense for your pressure washing business to add additional coverages to your policy. Business Equipment Protection, for example, can save you the out-of-pocket costs associated with replacing your equipment in the event of theft or loss — and it starts at just $6 per month.
Commercial Auto Insurance
Commercial auto insurance is a policy that covers liability and physical damage for vehicles that are used as part of business operations and aren’t covered by private auto insurance. Commercial auto policies can provide liability coverage for third party property damage and bodily injury as well as collision coverage.

Business Equipment Protection
Business Equipment Protection is a type of first-party insurance that covers business equipment that you own, rent or borrow and is used in connection with your business. (Other insurance companies for small businesses call it inland marine insurance, but we like to keep things clear and simple.)

Commercial Property Insurance
Commercial property insurance covers costs as a result of direct physical loss or damage to a building or its contents in situations like a fire or windstorm. Even your accounts receivable can be protected by commercial property coverage.
Pressure Washer Insurance FAQs
Can I get pressure washer insurance for an hour, today?
Yes! Thimble offers Pressure Washer Insurance policies by the hour, job, month or year. We’ll help you get to work before the other guys even call you back.
Does Pressure Washer Insurance cover my employees if they get injured on the job?
No, it only covers claims that come from third parties, like customers. To cover your employees for work-related injuries and illnesses, you need workers’ comp insurance, which most states require if you have employees.
How can I prove I have insurance right away?