Film Production Insurance

Get an insurance policy by the hour, day, or month in 60 seconds.


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Why do I need film production insurance?

Whether you plan on shooting a commercial, short, TV episode, or full-length feature films, you know all too well that a lot happens behind the scenes. From script, to casting, to the production itself, every step of the process requires an eye for detail (and a hefty budget) in order to fund the final product. Since even one hitch in film production can sink your ship, you need to protect your investments from any unforeseen… icebergs.

Cut to Film Production Insurance arranged by Thimble.

On shoots both large and small, there are hundreds of risk factors you must account for and consider, all of which could either stall production or result in costly liability claims. Inevitably something or another will go wrong, but if you have Film Production Insurance, you can roll up your sleeves, get right to work, and know you’re insured.

Just imagine you’re in the middle of a big shoot at a famous museum. While you’re filming, one of the floodlights falls, causing damage to one of the displays (or, God forbid, on the museum’s director who’s overseeing the project). In either case, you could be on the hook for destruction of property or injury claims.

All it takes is one unfortunate accident to derail an entire production. Because it’s impossible to prepare for everything, it behoves you to have your bases covered with both Professional Liability and General Liability insurance policies. By investing in Film Production Insurance through Thimble, you can make sure that the show goes on no matter what happens on a shoot.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

What does Film Production Insurance cover?

Thimble’s Film Production Insurance—both general liability insurance and Professional liability coverage—is positioned to protect film productions from the below:


Third-party, non-employee bodily injury

While you’re filming on a busy sidewalk, an elderly passerby gets bumped by the boom operator. The stranger falls and breaks a hip, requiring an ambulance, a hospital stay, surgery, and physical therapy. Now, you’re on the hook to pay for their bodily injury and the hefty medical expenses that follow.

Property Damage Icon

Third-party property damage

You’re filming a chase scene, but one of the vehicles careens out of control, causing physical damage to the location as a result. Because of this, the manager of the property demands that you pay for repairs to the exterior of their building.


Defense costs

You were filming in public but accidentally forgot to get a permission waiver signed by one of the people in the background. They see themselves on TV and feel as if their privacy has been violated, so they sue. It was totally unintentional, but now you have to hire a legal team to defend your actions in court.


Errors & omissions

While on set, the grip department leaves out a ton of equipment behind base camp. There’s an actor looking for the base camp PA, as he wants to witness the production prior to his shoot date. He ends up smacking his knee on a dolly and needs crutches. Because of this, he passes on two other job opportunities and sues you for negligence due to the lost income.

How much does Film Production Insurance cost?

No two insurance policies are identical, particularly those for film production, which can vary dramatically in size and scope. Thimble’s affordable rate is based on the risk involved and other factors. These include the crew size, the area you’re operating in, the policy limit your insurance covers, and the timeframe you need. With Thimble’s dynamic format, you can easily get a short-term insurance policy that fits your ever-changing production schedule.

Thimble is small business insurance that works when you do; pay by the hour, day, week, or month—whatever suits your needs. We’ve traded one-size-fits-all policies for a solution that fits your one-of-a-kind workday, with the ability to purchase in an instant (and still make your 4AM call time).

The film industry is made up almost entirely of freelancers. With Thimble, you can get a quote for video production insurance that meets the requirements of your set in minutes.

Film Production Insurance FAQs

How quickly can I get a Certificate of Insurance (COI)?

In the span of 60 seconds, you can go from generating your quote to having your very own Certificate of Insurance (COI). Just fill out your information, make your purchase, and the COI delivers to your inbox (and your client’s) instantly.

You can receive digital copies of the COI emailed or simply download the app and have all your documents on hand for easy access. There’s no limit to how many you can get, and best of all, they’re free.

If you’re on short notice and need proof of insurance in the next few minutes, you’re in luck. At Thimble, you can get an affordable and flexible short-term film production insurance policy—in less than 60 seconds.

we work to provide you affordable short-term production insurance as quickly as possible.

The company I work for already carries Business Insurance. Do I need my own Film Production Policy?

Although you may assume you’re in the clear, film insurance is always necessary. Even if you’re employed exclusively by a major studio, their general policy could have gaps that fail to protect you from all the possible liabilities. The fact is, you need your own policy.

Let’s say you’re pioneering your own independent film outside of the company which employs you. While they have given you your blessing, it’s unwise to assume that their insurance will cover your project. For instance, during the shoot, if you decide that the show must go on despite a severe storm warning, and the set decor you rent is damaged, you may face a third-party property damage claim. As a result, you’re now responsible for the costs.

Simply put, having your own professional liability and general liability coverage indemnifies you, ensuring that you’re insured and in the clear, even should you have made an error.

What are the Film Production Insurance Policy Limits?

The size of your policy will bank on the necessary coverage and scale of your shoot. Thimble offers policy limits of $1 million and $2 million, so a small extra investment in your policy could mean an additional $1,000,000 of protection later.

Are workplace injuries of my staff covered?

No, staff injuries that occur on set are not covered under a General Liability policy. If you wish to protect your crew, you need workers’ compensation coverage.

Does Thimble’s Film Production Insurance cover damage to my equipment?

No, Film Production Insurance will not cover damage to the film equipment that you’ve purchased or rented. If you want to keep your hardware safe, you should look into purchasing a commercial property policy.

How do I get Film Production Insurance with Thimble?

You can purchase a Film Production Insurance Policy through the website or the Thimble mobile app. Give us your zip code, input some details about the production timeline, and you’ll have a quote in less than one minute.

Quick-thinking insurance for fast-moving businesses.


Fewer questions. More options. Buy a policy online, in the app, or over the phone in minutes. Get to work before the other guys even call you back.


Any size. Every stage. Get coverage by the job, month, or year. Choose how you pay, then upgrade when business really takes off.


Total Control. Seamless edits. Modify, pause, or cancel instantly, whether work slows down or hiring picks up.

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Get covered in minutes.
(Then get to work!)