Dance Studio & Instructor Insurance​

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Why do I need dance studio & instructor insurance?

As a dance instructor, you’re responsible for a lot more than a little choreography. For every dance class or private lesson you teach, you’re responsible for the safety and happiness of your students. But whether a dance class involves one adult or 20 toddlers, there’s no avoiding the fact that accidents happen. Sometimes, those accidents can be expensive. You need insurance that’s light on its feet.

Dance Studio and Dance Instructor Insurance can help you to protect your business and career against these risks. If you have to cover bodily injury or property damage for your students or any other third party involved in your classes, then a general liability insurance policy can help you defray those costs.

On top of your general liability insurance, professional liability coverage protects you from a student or parent saying that your dance instruction was incomplete or unsatisfactory. Learn how Dance Studio and Instructor Insurance can help you protect your business if you ever make a misstep.

What does Dance Studio Insurance cover?


Third-party, non-employee bodily injury

You’re teaching a class of young artists (read: toddlers in tutus). An enthusiastic four-year-old makes her first attempt at a pirouette, but instead things take a turn for the worst. She twists her ankle and lands on her wrist. She needs a cast for each of the injuries, and her parents expect you to cover the costs.

Property Damage Icon

Third-party property damage

You’re teaching a fitness dance class at your local gym, and one of your students comes straight from work. In a hurry to get started, he places his backpack in the corner of the studio instead of putting it in a locker. His laptop slips out during class, and you accidentally spill water onto it while teaching your routine. It was a total accident, but now you’re on the hook for the cost of repairing the laptop.


Defense costs

So you’ve paid to repair that student’s laptop, but later you find out he has some valuable assets saved on it that weren’t backed up, and because of it he lost his job. Because that loss was a result of the property damage, he takes you to court. Though eventually a judge rules his claim to be baseless, you still have to pay for your defense costs to reach that resolution.


Errors & omissions

Remember that disgruntled Broadway hopeful? His case against you ends up being pretty strong, so you have to start thinking about your options. Dance Studio and Instructor Insurance can cover costs like settlements, court fees, defense costs, and damages that result from errors and omissions.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

What does a BOP for Dance Studio & Instructor Insurance cover?

Business Owners Policy (BOP): Combines multiple types of coverage into one convenient and cost-effective bundle. With Dance Instructor Insurance, you get the following:

General Liability Insurance

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance or “CGL” provides coverage against third-party claims for property damage, bodily injury, and personal and advertising injury. That means the everyday accidents that can happen on the job: slip and falls, flying tools, or spilling coffee on a customer’s laptop—you get the idea. CGL is one of the most basic types of insurance for small businesses.

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance covers costs as a result of direct physical loss or damage to a building or its contents in situations like a fire or windstorm. Even your accounts receivable can be protected by commercial property coverage.

broken signage

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance covers loss of business income due to interruption of operations as a result of direct physical loss or damage; available as an additional coverage to BOP.

How much does Dance Studio Insurance cost?

The cost of your Dance Studio Insurance Policy depends on a few factors. Things like your zip code, your coverage limit, the size of your team, and the length of your coverage all play a factor in determining the risk that comes with insuring your dance studio business.

With Thimble, you don’t have to commit to long, expensive policies, though. You can access flexible dance studio insurance through the Thimble app and customize your coverage down to the month, day, or hour. Plus, if you need to add Additional Insureds, you can tack them on to your coverage with Thimble at no extra cost.

To get an accurate idea of how much dance studio insurance would cost you and your business, get a quote from Thimble.

Dance Studio & Instructor Insurance​ FAQs

How quickly can I get a Certificate of Insurance?

With Thimble, you can get a Certificate of Insurance for your dance instructor coverage instantly. A lot of the groups that run conventions, shows, and events will require you to come to the table with an active Dance Instructor Insurance policy to work with them. A Certificate of Insurance —or a COI—is a document that provides proof of the details of your coverage. You can access as many free COI’s for your Thimble coverage as you’d like, and if you download the Thimble App, you can store all of your COI’s there for easy, on-the-go access.

Do I need both a Dance Instructor and Dance Studio Insurance policy?

Unless you’re working exclusively as an employee of your dance studio, then you need your own Dance Instructor Insurance policy. For instance, if you work at a dance studio, but you teach there as an independent contractor, then you’ll likely need to purchase your own insurance policy.

On the other hand, if you’re a full-time employee at a dance studio, but you have a side gig—however intermittent or frequent it is—teaching dance or choreography, then you’ll also need your own Dance Teacher Insurance policy.

The bottom line? All your activities as a professional dance teacher need coverage, and even if your dance studio has its own insurance policy, that policy isn’t guaranteed to cover your entire career teaching dance.

What are the Dance Studio Insurance policy limits?

The Dance Instructor Insurance policies that Thimble arranges can come with one of two policy limit options—either $1M or $2M. The limit on an insurance policy determines how much you’re eligible to receive if you file an applicable claim. As a result, investing a small amount more in a $2M policy limit now could save you up to $1M extra in avoided costs in the future.

Are workplace injuries of my dance studio staff covered?

Be sure to note: General Liability Insurance for dance teachers and studios only covers bodily injury for third parties like your students and their parents. This means that any injuries your employees sustain on the job aren’t covered under this kind of commercial insurance. Coverage for such costs is typically available through workers’ compensation insurance, which can serve as a supplement to General Liability Insurance.

If I’m a freelance dance instructor, do I still need an Insurance policy?

Freelance dance instructors absolutely need their own Dance Instructor Insurance policies. Any class, private, or event you work as a freelance instructor is subject to all the same risks as the work of someone employed exclusively by a studio or company. If you’re freelance, you need to take the reigns and insure your career, rather than having an employer do so for you.

What is an Exposure Period? And how long will I be covered with a Dance Instructor Insurance policy?

First, your Policy Period is the length of your Dance Instructor policy and refers to the window of time in which claims are covered. Your Exposure Period goes beyond that window of time; it’s like the due date for you to file any claim that happened during the Policy Period. That means you can file a claim after you’ve completed a conference, class, or lesson and after your policy period is expired—you just have to file it before your Exposure Period expires, too.

Thimble allows you to customize the Policy Period on your Dance Instructor Insurance down to the hour. From there, they’ll determine an Exposure Period based on the length of your coverage.

How do I get Dance Studio and Instructor Insurance with Thimble?

Thimble makes Dance Studio and Instructor Insurance easier than ever to access. In fact, it only takes about a minute to insure your business through Thimble. You simply have to provide a few details like your zip code and desired coverage period. From there, Thimble will provide you with a quote instantly. If you decide to go through with purchasing Dance Teacher Insurance, you’ll be able to access your Certificate of Insurance automatically.

Get your Dance Studio and Instructor Insurance quote now.

Quick-thinking insurance for fast-moving businesses.


Fewer questions. More options. Buy a policy online, in the app, or over the phone in minutes. Get to work before the other guys even call you back.


Any size. Every stage. Get coverage by the job, month, or year. Choose how you pay, then upgrade when business really takes off.


Total Control. Seamless edits. Modify, pause, or cancel instantly, whether work slows down or hiring picks up.

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Get covered in minutes.
(Then get to work!)