Hair Stylist Insurance

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Why do I need hair stylist insurance?

Though you might not realize it, there are a handful of risks that come with being a hairdresser. Sure, your hair stylist career doesn’t have you hauling rubble or constructing buildings. But that doesn’t mean you’re invulnerable to risks without a commercial insurance policy.

In fact, just by virtue of having a hair salon location that clients visit, you’re in need of insurance. Even if you’re a mobile hair stylist, and you make home visits for your appointments, you should consider investing in insurance policies that will help protect you against the financial risks that this setup entails.

Accidents that result in bodily injury or property damage are sneaky risks that could happen to any professional—even a hair stylist. Commercial insurance—like hair stylist liability insurance—is designed to respond to such risks.

Not to mention, if you contract out your hair stylist talents for shoots or events, then certain clients might require you to have independent hair stylist insurance to work with them.

There are two types of liability insurance hair stylists should purchase general liability insurance and professional liability insurance. Together, these two types of hair stylist liability insurance can cover the main risks that might face professional hair stylists.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

What does Hair Stylist Insurance cover?

To better understand why hair stylist liability insurance is necessary, you should take a moment to consider some examples of what it covers.


Third-party, non-employee bodily injury

Say, for instance, a customer gets up from your chair during a haircut to run to the restroom. In her hurry, she trips over a chord and injures her wrist. It turns out, she’s a freelance professional violinist, and she’ll be decommissioned for weeks because of her injury. Luckily, your hair stylist General Liability Insurance policy can help her recoup those losses.

Property Damage Icon

Third-party property damage

Or, maybe a client has come in for an appointment wearing an extremely expensive, bright blue, silk blouse. She’s asked you to turn her entire head of dark brown hair blonde, and you start in on the long process.

In the middle of your session, your client gets up to take her call, and during her chat, bleach drops onto a portion of her blouse uncovered by the cape without her noticing. By the time she returns and you notice the bleach on the blouse, her blouse is totally ruined. She’s livid, and decides to file a claim for the cost she paid for the blouse.


Defense costs

Maybe a particularly litigious client files a claim that a hairstyle you gave her caused her to miss out on a lucrative modeling opportunity, and she wants to access compensation for the income she would have earned for the gig. Even if her claim is ruled unfounded, you’ll still have to pay for your defense in court. Luckily, you have hair stylist General Liability Insurance that covers defense costs.


Errors and omissions

The aggrieved model is also back, and her claim actually makes it through court. As a result, you’re not only responsible for paying for your defense costs, you’re also responsible for the lost income she claimed she missed out on because of your services.

Hair Stylist Insurance FAQs

How much does Hair Stylist Insurance cost?

With Thimble, you can purchase policies by the hour, day, and month, so you’ll only pay for the time you’re working. Get an instant quote to better understand exactly how much it will cost.

How quickly can I get a Certificate of Insurance?

Instantly. Once you purchase your coverage, your Certificate of Insurance is in your inbox. If, for instance, you’ve been contracted to do hair on set for a feature film, but you need to show proof of your active hair stylist insurance policy to make it official, you can simply pull up your Thimble app and access a digital version of your COI.

How do I get Hair Stylist Insurance with Thimble?

Signing up for business insurance with Thimble is easy. Tell us your zip code, desired coverage period (an hour, day, month, or more), and we’ll provide you with an instant quote, customized to serve the needs of your business. The whole process can be completed online within minutes. Get your Hair Stylist Insurance quote now.

Quick-thinking insurance for fast-moving businesses.


Fewer questions. More options. Buy a policy online, in the app, or over the phone in minutes. Get to work before the other guys even call you back.


Any size. Every stage. Get coverage by the job, month, or year. Choose how you pay, then upgrade when business really takes off.


Total Control. Seamless edits. Modify, pause, or cancel instantly, whether work slows down or hiring picks up.

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Get covered in minutes.
(Then get to work!)