Math Tournament Insurance

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man doing math equation at math tournament

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A math tournament seems like a fairly benign activity, but any mathlete will tell you that the probability of an accident increases when a group of people gathers.

Math tournaments are held to help students develop a passion for math and increase confidence in their skills. However, adding people to the mix increases your risk of financial loss if someone brings a claim against you, the event organizer. Balance your books with Math Tournament Insurance before an accident happens.

What is Math Tournament Insurance?

Math Tournament Insurance is a type of special event insurance covering those who organize or host math tournaments. Whether the event is held on a school campus or at some other venue, event organizers face the brunt of financial loss if something goes wrong at a math tournament.

If Math Tournament Insurance were an equation, it’d look a little like this:

  • 1 part coverage for accidents like slip-and-falls +
  • 1 part coverage for personal and advertising injury +
  • 1 part coverage for damage to someone’s personal property =
  • Freedom from worry over costly claims.

What does Math Tournament Insurance cover?

Just as a student needs to fully understand a problem to solve it, you should understand how Math Tournament coverage can protect you against the financial consequences resulting from claims made against you. Your Math Tournament Insurance provides investigation services and a legal defense of claims and, if needed, payment for the settlement of claims. This is important because even false or fraudulent claims can break the bank.

Math Tournament Insurance can cover you against claims made by participants, spectators, or venue owners stemming from:

band aid

Third-party, non-employee bodily injury

If a participant’s mom is rushing to her seat, falls, and gets hurt, you may be liable for her injuries.

broken monitor icon

Third-party property damage

If a mathlete accidentally smashes another person’s scientific calculator, you could be held liable.

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Personal and advertising injury

Tournaments can bring out competitiveness. Say one of your staff makes a joke about another school’s team. You could be held liable for slander or libel.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

Quick thinking insurance for small businesses.

How much does Math Tournament Insurance cost?

The costs of Math Tournament Insurance through Thimble vary depending on the size of the event and where it is located.

Thimble’s event insurance is on-demand, which means you only need to buy it for the length of the event. The longer the math tournament goes on, the more your insurance will cost. Furthermore, you should buy coverage for the set-up and breakdown of the event.

Here’s a range of Thimble’s Math Tournament Insurance costs for one day:

SizeNumber of AttendeesPremium Range
Small1 - 50$150 - $160
Medium200 - 300$228 - $243
Large500 - 1,000$272 - $343

Who needs Math Tournament Insurance?

Anyone putting on a math tournament needs Math Tournament Insurance. This includes a school, club, or parent organization sponsoring and organizing the event. When claims arise, people will often name anyone who is involved with the event, whether they are at fault or not.

If you are booking a school or other venue, you’ll most likely need to provide the venue with a certificate of liability insurance showing proof of a valid, active event policy. Most venues want to see that you have at least a $1 million per occurrence limit in liability coverage.

Thimble makes all of this easy. You can immediately get your policy and COI sent to your inbox and your app so you can get back to planning total domination.

Subtracting financial risk from your event

You can’t prevent accidents from happening, but Math Tournament Insurance is there to help alleviate the financial consequences resulting from them. It just makes sense to pay for coverage that can save you tens of thousands of dollars (or more) in liability claims costs.

Just like your star players, be prepared for the toughest situations by getting insurance. Get a Math Tournament Insurance policy today and subtract your risk.

Math Tournament Insurance FAQs

What if I only need one-day insurance?

Got a one-day event? No problem. Thimble’s Math Tournament Insurance provides coverage for one day or up to a week. Just make sure that you factor the set-up and breakdown time as part of your event. If that happens the day before or after your tournament, be sure to extend your coverage.

What are Thimble’s Math Tournament Insurance coverage policy limits?

There are two types of policy limits: per occurrence and aggregate. The per occurrence limit applies to each claim and means that each claim is covered for at least $1 million in damages. The aggregate limit applies to all claims under the policy and is the maximum amount that will be paid out per policy period. The aggregate limit is automatically set at $1 million as well. If you need more coverage, you can increase your limits to a $2 million per occurrence limit with a $2 million aggregate limit.

Does Math Tournament Insurance via Thimble cover event cancellation?

Thimble’s Math Tournament Insurance doesn’t cover event cancellation. However, you can cancel your policy at any time prior to the policy’s start date/time for a full refund of your policy premium.

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